Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

Pendaftaran Beasiswa Australian Development Scholarship 2012 Kini Dibuka

FYI.. http://www.indonesia.embassy.gov.au/jaktindonesian/SM11_052.html
(Form Aplikasi ada di jurusan)

Pendaftaran Beasiswa Australian Development Scholarship 2012 Kini Dibuka

Pemerintah Australia dengan gembira mengumumkan bahwa pendaftaran
untuk beasiswa Australian Development Scholarship (ADS) kini dibuka.

Program ini menawarkan hingga 400 beasiswa kepada warga Indonesia
untuk mengikuti program S2 atau S3 di Australia dan yang kajiannya
memberi sumbangsih pada kemajuan Indonesia.

Duta Besar Australia untuk Indonesia, Greg Moriarty, berujar beasiswa
Australian Development Scholarship merupakan komponen penting program
bantuan luar negeri Pemerintah Australia ke Indonesia sejak dasawarsa

“Beasiswa Australian Development Scholarship bertujuan untuk memberi
sumbangsih pada sasaran-sasaran pengembangan sumber daya manusia dalam
jangka panjang di Indonesia dan untuk memperkukuh hubungan antar-warga
antara kedua negara kita,” tutur Dubes Moriarty.

Beasiswa Australian Development Scholarship dimaksudkan untuk
memajukan prioritas pembangunan yang ditentukan setiap tahunnya oleh
Australia dan Indonesia. Pada 2012, hal ini mencakup Perkembangan
Berkelanjutan dan Manajemen Ekonomi; Demokrasi, Keadilan dan Tata
Kelola Pemerintahan; Berinvestasi pada Orang; serta Keselamatan dan

“Program ini diselenggarakan dalam kemitraan yang erat dengan
Pemerintah Indonesia. Dampak program ini nampak melalui ribuan alumni
ADS yang telah kembali ke Indonesia dan memberi sumbangsih pada
kemajuan Indonesia,” ujar Dubes Moriarty.

Jumlah beasiswa yang setara akan dialokasikan untuk pria dan wanita
dan hingga 30 persen untuk warga Nusa Tenggara Timur, Nusa Tenggara
Barat, Papua, Papua Barat dan Aceh, wilayah fokus program bantuan

Pendaftaran untuk program 2012 akan ditutup pada 26 Agustus 2011.
Informasi lebih lanjut, silakan buka www.adsindonesia.or.id atau

Pertanyaan Pers:
Ray Marcelo (Atase Pers) tel. (021) 2550 5290 hp. 0811 187 3175

Senin, 30 Mei 2011

Beasiswa ADS 2012 intake

Yth : Teman-teman sekalian

Berikut kami informasikan penawaran 400 beasiswa Pascasarjana ADS bagi
pns,dosen & mhs. Pendaftaran dibuka pd tgl 6 Juni s.d. 26 Agustus 2011.

Persyaratan lebih lanjut dapat dilihat pada website www.adsindonesia.or.id. Beberapa brosur juga tersedia di kantor IO.

Terima kasih.

Nurul Hidayati
International Office - ITS

Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

(INFO) University Scholars Leadership Symposium

Dear Students,

Berikut terlampir info University Scholars Leadership Symposium tgl 1 s/d 7
Agustus 2011 di Pattaya, Thailand. Terbuka untuk mahasiswa yang ingin

Biaya konferensi 22,500 Thai Baht (sekitar Rp.5-6 juta) sdh termasuk akomodasi,
meals, dan local transport selama di Thailand. Tidak termasuk tiket pesawat.

Humanitarian Affairs United Kingdom is inviting Outstanding Student Leaders
from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember to participate in the 2nd
University Scholars Leadership Symposium from August 1 to 7, 2011 in
Pattaya, Thailand.

The Symposium strives to encourage any undergraduate, postgraduate or young
professional interested in disaster and humanitarian affairs to attend.
Delegates will have the opportunity to explore humanitarian values,
principles and affairs through a global perspective.

Sessions will range from engaging dialogue with predominate humanitarians,
core workshops to facilitate knowledge building and experiential service
learning activities. The symposium will not only facilitate the global
sharing of knowledge but will also provide delegates with key leadership
skills. Furthermore, the symposium provides an opportunity to network with
like minded youth from across the world.

The early bird registration fee before end May 2011 is 22,500 Thai Baht and
it includes 6 night accommodation at a 4-Stars Hotel, breakfast, lunch and
coffee break, airport transfer, local transportation, field trips, site
visits, guest lectures, workshop discussions, a souvenir T-shirt, one
journal, Certificate of Participation, an Official Welcoming Dinner, a
Farewell Party and more importantly, the opportunity to network with
like-minded global citizens.

It would be greatly appreciated if you could publish this information on
your website or help us disseminate it to the greater student population.
Better yet, feel free to nominate students of merit to participate in this
conference; those nominated will be exempted from the usual application

However, please take note that each University is allowed to nominate no
more than 10 delegates. More information about the 2nd University Scholars
Leadership Symposium 2011 can be obtained from the Official website at
www.universityscholars.org.uk. To apply, please use the Official Application
form attached.

I would also like to inform you that the United Nations has disseminated the
information on the 2nd University Scholars Leadership Symposium as one of
the core activities for Youth In Action ( UN Youth Flash, Vol. 8, No.3 March
2011). Please follow the link below for more information.


Top Universities such as Stanford University, University of Malaya,
Universitas Indonesia, Peking University, National Taiwan University,
National Seoul University, National Hong Kong University and many more have
confirmed to send a delegation to the Symposium.

We look forward to welcoming your students and the rest of the Top 500
Scholars from all over the world for this truly international and
prestigious event.

Thank you.

Blessed Be

Janice Leong

Executive Director

Humanitarian Affairs Asia

Cell : +66-85-2323-234

Office : +66-38-051702

Web : www.universityscholars.org.uk

Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

(INFO) Summer Program 2011 di Kumamoto University

Berikut kami menginformasikan Summer Course Program di Kumamoto
University, Jepang di bulan Juni 2011.
Untuk info lebih lanjut, dpt menghubungi KU Liason Office di kantor
International Office, Rektorat lt 2 dgn Bpk Muis.

Terima kasih atas perhatiannya.

International Office ITS